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Adding Additional Sockets

You need your electric in the right places and you're thinking of adding additional sockets

Adding Additional Electrical Sockets in Your Home

How Do You Know if You Need Additional Electrical Sockets in Your Home?

The first signs you need additional sockets are you find yourself in B&Q buying extension leads. You either need more power points, or you need them in another location. One extension lead is fine, they're a great temporary measure, however, if you find this is your go to solution and you have a lot of extension leads then you really need to pick up the phone, call your electrician and have them come and install some power points for you.

Extension leads become dangerous very quickly. They can be overstretched, the cables can be a safety hazard (we've all tripped on one) and they can become weak in places where they bend. 

Of course, you know how dangerous electricity is. It kills and severely injures people, Just don't let a simple extension lead be the thing that ruins your home and family life. 

Can I Install My Own Additional Power Points?

Sure you can. But just because you can, it doesn't mean you should. In the last 30 years wiring has undergone significant changes. That technique your dad taught you has long gone out of style, and has been replaced by new things. You wouldn't make your own wedding cake, or build your own car. It just doesn't make sense. And as good as all those You Tube videos are, the person isn't with you, in your home, with your unique set of wiring. 

Call an electrician. 

How Long Does It Take to Install Additional Wall Sockets?

Usually 1-2 hours per socket. There are other factors to consider. Like is additional wiring to the new location required? Does the room even have wiring? In the cases of outdoor offices the wiring needs to be added in order to add in the sockets.

External Wall Sockets?

If you're finding you are doing a lot of outdoor living then external wall sockets in the garden are great to have.  They really sort out the extension leads problem once and for all and make it easy to use lawn mowers, hot tubs and patio lighting.  It also means you can have the fish pond of your dreams as you now have the electricity for the pumps. 

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